Launching Go Starter Kit Project – API boilerplate

One of developer happiness is to create project that is useful for many people, more useful it is, more happy the developer who build it.

That’s one of reason also I want to build Go API starter kit as open source project, aside learning project, I wish this project can be used and useful for go developers out there.

I am not an expert in go although I am trying to for now and this project is also an effort from me to become a good Golang developer.

One of the thing that is quite cumbersome for me in Golang dev world is finding which best framework, best library, best architecture and best practice for many things that will be great as foundation of web service or Rest API project like on other technology.

In Ruby world, it is quite easy to stick with Rails or Sinatra then in Python it is easy to choose Django or Flask. And inside that popular open source framework community we can find a lot of projects that provides good and complete starter kit or boilerplate base on that popular framework.

In Go community, I already can find some, but frankly it is still not suits me, especially in the chosen web framework and routing library which is on my opinion, Chi is the best for now. And because the web framework library affect many things, the remaining things also change.

So today I launch my new Go starter kit project base on Chi at

So I wish this project helps Gopher who is trying to find project that can give complete picture how things glue together base on Chi framework.

This project is still very young but minimally it already provides many important things already, especially opinionated collection of best library in Golang world and base layers for solid Rest API and Restful API project using standard layout structure. The list of things that I plan to add can be read in the there

Please feel free to visit and give feedback via github issue, give star and follow the github repo if you like and you can reach me at my twitter here